Flask web framework Wikipedia

Flask web framework Wikipedia

You can also separate views for different methods into different
functions. Flask provides a shortcut for decorating such routes with
get(), post(), etc. for each
common HTTP method. Modern web applications use meaningful URLs to help users. Users are more
likely to like a page and come back if the page uses a meaningful URL they can
remember and use to directly visit a page.

Then, you’ll expand your project structure to prepare a scalable Flask web application. In this step, you’ll use dynamic routes to allow users to interact with the application. You’ll make a route that capitalizes words passed through the URL, and a route that adds two numbers together and displays the result. In the above code block, you first import the Flask object from the flask package. You then use it to create your Flask application instance, giving it the name app.


It’s often used to manage specific areas of an application’s UI, rather than the entire UI. You use the escape() function you imported earlier to render the word string as text. This is important to avoid Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. If the user submits malicious JavaScript flask developer instead of a word, escape() will it render as text and the browser will not run it, keeping your web application safe. Jinja, also by Ronacher, is a template engine for the Python programming language. Similar to the Django web framework, it handles templates in a sandbox.

Flask’s wide array of extension libraries comes at the cost of having a more
complicated project setup. The following project templates provide a starter
base that you can either use for your own applications or just learn various
ways to structure your code. This development server should not be used in a production deployment.


Next you import the flask package with import flask; then print the Flask version, which is provided via the flask.__version__ variable. The homepage of a website can usually be found at the URL hostname followed by /, /home, /index or something self-explanatory. These kinds of URLs enable the users to remember the URL and access it easily. It would be unexpected if the homepage were at a random URL such as /39283@&3911 or /more_eggs. Flask allows us to use the route() decorator to bind a meaningful URL to each view function we create.

You’ve run your application and displayed information on the web browser. As part of this tutorial, you’ll use the Bootstrap toolkit to style your application so it is more visually appealing. The toolkit will allow you to focus on learning how Flask works. The string, “Paws Rescue Center ????”, was provided in the challenge as the required output. All we had to do was to return this string in the view function. When you open the URL and append “/educative”, this view will be called.

Serve Templates and Static Files in Flask:

Simplify deploying Flask applications with DigitalOcean App Platform. This challenge was meant to get us started with development with the Flask framework. To run our application, we need to call the run() function of our application object. Besides the default client-side based sessions, if you want to handle
sessions on the server-side instead, there are several
Flask extensions that support this. What happens if the key does not exist in the form attribute?

Flask provides a render_template() helper function that allows use of the Jinja template engine. This will make managing HTML much easier by writing your HTML code in .html files as well as using logic in your HTML code. You’ve learned how to create your first Flask application and started your first project. In this step, you’ll add a few routes to your application to display different pages depending on the requested URL.

Write the following code inside this new file:

tells Flask to behave as though it’s handling a request even while we use a
Python shell. To build a URL to a specific function, use the url_for() function. It accepts the name of the function as its first argument https://remotemode.net/ and any number of
keyword arguments, each corresponding to a variable part of the URL rule. Unknown variable parts are appended to the URL as query parameters. The canonical URL for the projects endpoint has a trailing slash.

flask framework in python