Watch: Summer activities south of Boston

Watch: Summer activities south of Boston

Besides, there’s something incredibly calming about floating through a city you’ve come to know and love. Try game nights, movie marathons, or outdoor adventures like hiking and picnics to have fun sober with friends. Attend events, explore new places, and embrace laughter and bonding for enjoyable moments together. Explore the great outdoors in Massachusetts with various fun sober activities that will immerse you in the beauty of nature. This New England state offers something for every nature lover, from state parks to wildlife tours. Here at Meta, we’re proud to call Boston home.

Enjoy Dinner and Live Music

  • Becoming and remaining sober is a courageous step toward a healthier and happier life that you shouldn’t hesitate to take.
  • These classes are FREE but donations are welcome.
  • We listen to each other with respect, openness, and self awareness.
  • Boston is home to several universities, including Harvard and MIT.
  • OngoingDowntown, $50Swap botanical craft cocktails for an immersive, hands-on aromatherapy sesh at Boston Public Market’s Lifebloom Candle Making.

At JP Centre Yoga, their community classes are only $6 — they host both a general weekly community class as well as monthly offerings for the BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities. OngoingFenway, Starting at $6Staggering across the ice for a drunken Triple Lutz jump is ill-advised, so Dry January is the perfect time to up your ice skating swagger. Not only is The Rink 401 Park the heartbeat of The Fenway each winter, but it also offers 45-minute open skate sessions at its 6,000-square-foot ice rink for just $6. If you need to rent skates, it’s an extra $7. Better yet, take to the ice for free Iceflow Yoga on Sundays at 10 am. Plus, the Fenway community calendar is chock full of choose-your-own-adventure moments like live music, all-you-can-eat frites, and REI’s Saturday morning run club.

Sports Activities to Do in Boston Instead of Drinking

Whether you choose to dive, cannonball, or ease your way into the water, the Boston area’s swimming holes are a perfect sober summer activity. There’s a reason why The Fix named Boston their number one city for sober living. Here are 10 sober activities in the Boston area you can consider experiencing while the weather’s warm. Finally, Alden & Harlow is a bar and restaurant in Harvard Square that offers thoughtfully-sourced $8 mocktails. On its menu at the moment are the Plum Out of Ideas mocktail, made from red plum, lime, Thai basil, and bubbles, and the Oleo Leo mocktail, which contains grapefruit, orange, honey, and tonic.

Hit the Stacks of these Beautiful Book Stores

  • Connect with other members and volunteers, join recovery groups, track your sobriety, and more.
  • Fenway Park is the oldest ballpark in the major league.
  • Take in some art and wander the halls of the closest art museum.

One of the best sober things to do in Boston is to be a tourist in your hometown. The great thing about getting sober is that it is almost like you get to start over and you likely have a new perspective on life. Take this new view of things and go explore the city. Boston is a popular tourist destination for people around the world, boasting key landmarks of the American Revolution, so take advantage of being there. Spend your weekend visiting all the most popular tourist destinations in Boston, like the Old North Church, the Paul Revere House, Boston Common, and the Boston Public Library. It may even feel like you are seeing some of these places for the first time.

Boston’s Relationship with Alcohol

Not only is Boston Harbor a great place to take in the view, but there are several sober activities you can do on the water. Companies offer everything from boat tours to whale watching. You could even take a day to do some island hopping. Tell them that though you’ve made this change in your lives, you still love dining with them. Tell them you’d rather not pay for alcohol. This should be easy for them to understand.

  • You can get a coffee for just $3 (gasp!), and there is free Wi-Fi.
  • As one of the most widely known and prestigious universities in the U.S. and the entire world, Harvard University in Cambridge is steeped in history.
  • Residents and visitors to Massachusetts can spend every weekend visiting its museums and staying busy for many years.
  • Other attractions worth visiting at Harvard University are the sunken garden in Radcliffe Yard and the Tercentenary Theatre.
  • Danehy Park, in North Cambridge (near Gran Gusto and their lovely pizzas), has a doozy of a hill, and it’s wide enough so other sledders won’t cramp your style.
  • Boston is a popular tourist destination for people around the world, boasting key landmarks of the American Revolution, so take advantage of being there.

sober activities boston

Skip the pricey movie theater bar, get yourself a slightly less pricey popcorn (and a free cup of water) instead, and sink into the seats at the iconic Coolidge Corner Theatre. Owner Pat Dooling recommends grabbing a bottle of the Kentucky 74 Bourbon or the GinISH for “replicas” of Manhattan and martini cocktails at any January party you may be attending. Want to try mocktails at a restaurant or bar? Start with Alden & Harlow in Harvard Square or Daiquiris & Daisies at High Street Place. The brewery will be transformed into a cozy ski lodge, so plan your après-ware accordingly—think snuggly sweaters with Nordic motifs, trendy ski pants, chic winter boots, and faux fur hats. The Glitter Boys will be doing their usual DJ thing, spinning vinyl across the dance song catalogs of the ‘70s and ‘80s.

Go to A Game

Trade the soothing lavender for the feisty pep of jalapeno’s bite, and the Spicy Paloma mocktail is at the ready. Boston is known for a myriad of things, from its key role in early American history to its bustling biotech businesses to its internationally renowned institutions of higher education. Its non-alcoholic nightlife scene is not necessarily one of them – but maybe it should be! This article will serve as your guide to discover nightlife as a non-drinker. Even if you have lived in Boston your entire life, now that you are sober, it may feel like an entirely different city. There is plenty new to explore and a lot of fun, sober things to do in Boston you may have never tried before.

sober activities boston

Whether you’re into sports, culture, or outdoor adventures, the city has a wide variety of summer activities to enjoy on land and water. You can enjoy hobbies like hiking, painting, or playing sports. Spend time with friends and family members, explore museums, or dance to music. There are many ways to enjoy a healthy lifestyle while avoiding the temptation to drink. Adams National Historic Park offers a wide range of activities, including reenactments of historical events, performing arts, and guided tours. This park also features 13 acres of greenery in the form of orchards, gardens, and meadows that are fun to explore while envisioning how the Adams families may have spent their days.